Hearing Aid Costs

Hi everyone can Stuart here care audiology in Fort Wayne, we’re talking about cost of hearing aids, and you may have looked at some of my previous videos we talked about the fact that there are some six major brands of hearing aids in the world. And each one of these manufacturers really make four levels of hearing devices anywhere from a premium level technology, down to an entry level technology. And we discussed that the cost to own those on a monthly basis typically ranges from about 80 to $90 a month for the most expensive model, down to about 40 to $50, per month again that’s the cost to own them and wear them. And those costs include all your office’s infinity repair charges in your supplies and insurance in case you lose them so really everything you need, including professional services to maintain them wherever every day and do great with those. So that’s kind of the cost. And how does that cost. Very compared to other things, so I looked up a couple of other chronic health conditions and compared the cost of hearing aid. So again, for the most expensive pair rehab if you were to spend about 80 to $90 per month. If you compare that for somebody with type two diabetes.


The American Diabetes Association claims that type two diabetes typically cost somebody around 90 $600 per year in medical costs. Divide that by 12 months pretty easy that’s about $800 a month for the treatment of diabetes, while hearing loss is another chronic condition, hearing devices cost somewhere between 40 to $90, per month for the cost. So you can kind of see the comparison between them. Another example of that would be hypertension.


The Journal of the American Heart Association says that the cost for hypertension per year adds about $2,000 for someone with hypertension. So if you break that down that’s about $166 a month for treatment, hypertension, and again if you compare that to the cost of hearing technologies. I think you’ll find that we’re really in line with overall healthcare costs. We know that healthcare costs can be expensive from lots of different things. Lots of people have what we call comorbidities which means multiple health effects going on in their life.


For what it’s worth. My wife and I established and founded the only nonprofit Hearing Center in the state of Indiana so price really is the big issue. I’d recommend you consider going to give hear.org again that name is just like it sounds here is in your hearing.org gift.


If somebody was not able to somewhere between 40 to 80.


For people that can’t afford those type of numbers 

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Hearing better starts with a diagnostic hearing test to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your hearing and a conversation with a hearing health care professional to determine what measures you can take to improve your hearing.