HearCare Audiology has expert audiologists providing professional ear wax removal in Decatur, Kendallville, Huntington, and other key locations in Fort Wayne, IN.
There’s really no way you yourself can obviously see inside your own head or ears. How to know if you have too much ear wax?
Well, first of all, stop poking around your ears. Remember the old adage, you shouldn’t put anything in your ears smaller than your elbow. That would be tough to do! So for your ears’ sake, please don’t go digging around in there, no bobby pins or hair clips or anything like that. If there’s any concern or discomfort in the ears, you really need to have a professional look at it.
How To Know If You Have Too Much Ear Wax?
Got an ear full? Itchy ears bothering you? Below are some signs that you may have too much ear wax:
- Ringing in the ears: A build-up of ear wax can cause a ringing sound in the ears (tinnitus).
- Ear pain: Excess ear wax can trigger a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear. In some cases, it can even cause severe discomfort.
- Difficulty hearing: If your ear wax builds up to the point where it blocks the ear canal, it can cause muffled hearing.
- Dizziness: Excess ear wax may also cause dizziness or a sense of imbalance.
- Itching or discharge: If you notice an unpleasant discharge, itching, or a disturbing odor coming from your ear, it may be a sign that you have too much ear wax.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult an audiologist and get an ear examination to determine if ear wax removal is necessary.
HearCare Audiology has expert audiologists providing professional ear wax removal in Decatur, Kendallville, Huntington, and other key locations in Fort Wayne, IN.
Why do I have so much ear wax all of a sudden?
There are several reasons why you may suddenly have an excessive production of ear wax. Some of the most common causes include:
- Aging: As we get older, our body produces less ear wax, However, the consistency of the wax can become thicker and drier, leading to blockages.
- Using Q-tips or other sharp, tiny objects to clean the ears: This can actually push ear wax further inside your ear canal, leading to an impaction or buildup.
- Changes in hormone levels: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, can increase the amount of earwax produced.
- Skin conditions: Certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis eczema, can trigger excess ear wax production.
- Narrow ear canals: This is an anatomical premise; some people are simply born with narrow ear canals, which can make it more difficult for ear wax to exit the ear.
If you are experiencing sudden or excessive ear wax buildup, it is important to consult an audiologist to determine the underlying cause. HearCare Audiology not only provides hearing tests and hearing aids in Fort Wayne, IN, we also offer ear wax removal to ensure that your hearing is at its prime.
Why trust the experts
At HearCare Audiology, we use a tool called a Video Otoscope, which we can use to see inside the ear canal and look down the auditory pathway. We can see the eardrum which looks a bit like a pearly gray eyeball. A good, healthy looking eardrum will have a shiny blue color. We can expand the view and even see one of the smallest bones in your body, the hammer bone. These are all details you would be unable to see at home.
If you need to see an audiologist for ear wax removal Huntington, IN, we have five locations you can visit for your convenience.
Is ear wax a bad thing?
No, ear wax is not a bad thing! In fact, it plays an important role in keeping your ears healthy. Ear wax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in your ear canal. It acts as a protective barrier, trapping dust, dirt, and small particles to prevent them from reaching your eardrum. It also helps keep your ears moisturized and fights off bacteria, reducing the risk of infections.
However, too much ear wax can cause problems, such as blocked hearing or discomfort. In these cases, it’s important to remove the excess safely. Avoid using cotton swabs, as they can push wax deeper into the ear. Instead, consult a healthcare professional or use ear wax removal tools designed for safe cleaning.
So, while ear wax isn’t bad, keeping it in balance is key to healthy ears!
Professional Ear Wax Removal in Fort Wayne, IN
If you feel some discomfort or itchiness in your ear and would like to see an audiologist for a proper checkup, we can help. HearCare Audiology offers professional ear wax removal in Huntington, IN, and nearby key locations in Fort Wayne, IN.
Contact us today to book an appointment!